Page 9 - Chytrý zpravodaj - Praha 3 05/2022
P. 9
Prague 3 is heading to a season Fokus
packed with cultural events
The art face of Prague 3 has a specific expression. Besides
the traditional institutions, there is a lively alternative scene
with its festivals and young artists’ innovative ideas.
Author ‘Why Art?’ is the question in the name of the is a grass-root movement: it is encountered in
Anežka Hesová mediately gives the fitting answer: ‘To stare at!’ bourhood events,” says the Culture Councillor,
streets and squares, pubs, backyards and neigh-
Žižkov Atrium Gallery’s new exhibition. And it im-
Pavel Křeček. This is demonstrated by e.g. mul-
This way, it reveals the popular communication
purpose and welcomes in the backstage of con-
Backyards). It will be held on May 21 this year.
temporary art even those visitors for whom it is ti-genre festival, Žižkovské mezidvorky (Žižkov
still uncharted territory. They are enticed by pro- “The eleventh year has not lost anything from
vocative questions, like whether art must always the festival’s original intention and, therefore, the
be beautiful or whether one may laugh in a gal- people of Žižkov participate with their backyards,
lery. “In contrast to many other exhibitions, you whether small or large, to be filled with varied
can come close to the works, start a dialogue program. There will be no shortage of music,
with them and thus become a part of the exhibi- theatre, dance and singing alongside exhibitions,
tion yourselves. The exhibition will be enjoyable bazaars, workshops, swaps, markets or chil-
even for children, and will also be accompanied dren’s activities. Projects with social or environ-
with meetings and debates with the artists or mental dimensions are also welcome to present
mentors and popular art writers,” says the cura- their activities to the public,” the co-organiser,
tor, Ondřej ‘Fuczik’ Horák. Opening the art world Martin Slepička, adds description of the neigh-
doors for people who find art incomprehensi- bourghood fete.
ble or inaccessible, is one of the main objectives
of ‘Za Trojku’, an organisation that operates the Anyone who loves Žižkov and its specific colour
Žižkov Atrium and the Vozovna Culture Centre. should make sure that they attend the memorial
“The Atrium Gallery strives to bring contemporary event for the centenary of its inclusion in Greater
visual art closer to the broadest general pub- Prague, directed by Urban Sketchers Prague and
lic. That means also people who do not usually the local club, Krasomil. The event is the culmi-
attend galleries, adds the manager of Za Trojku, nation of ten drawing sessions at various spots
Marie Kašparová. within Žižkov which will take place on Sunday,
May 8, at the Dzomsa venue on Lucemburská
Atrium also tries to overcome the barriers that Street. The opening of Žižkov-inspired drawings,
make a life of culture impossible for some pop- paintings and poems will be followed by a parade
ulation groups, for example the elderly who find heading to Parukářka. The drawings will remain
it difficult to attend concerts in the evening, or on display at Dzomsa till the end of May.
children who cannot last through a long perfor-
mance. “These are exactly our audience for a cy- Architecture, made accessible to the public by
cle of afternoon concerts, Three O’Clock Music, the Open House Praha every year, will become
which are held on the first Saturday in the month the focus in the same month. This year, sever-
and only take forty-five minutes, so parents can al important architects working in Bohemia will
take their children,” explains Kašparová. Atrium be commemorated. Jože Plečnik from Slovenia
has another similar program called Filharmoniště would celebrate his 150th birthday this year.
targeting an even younger audience — these Upon the occasion, the Church of the Sacred
concerts are open even to toddlers. While their Heart of Our Lord, designed by Plečnik, will of-
parents are enjoying top quality music, children fer a chance to see its interior. Besides, the
can crawl over the floor and play with no need to gates of the Loosers Creative Agency build-
worry about bothering anyone with their pres- ing in Nitranska Street, the Olšany Cemeteries,
ence. The “Music, Word and Emotion” cycle which Radost Functionalist building, the original Žižkov
joins music and reciting, and cycles of top piano city spa intended to metamorphose into the
or chamber music selected by the dramaturg, Dance House, and the Krenovka Culture Centre
Kristýna Borecká, have also found their audience. in the former art house between Husitská and
This season we are looking forward to the perfor- Přiběnická Streets will open to the visitors as
mances of e.g. Guarneri Trio Prague, Iva Bittová well. This is the place of a recent unique ven-
or Epoque Quartet in the former Baroque church ue for creative work which, under the name of
on Čajkovského Street. Summer will offer a series Krenovka Incubator, leases studios for painters,
of six open-air concerts. illustrators, sculptors, designers and other artists.
The building also provides background facilities
Open-air performances will be available also for the Ponec dance theatre and the Unijazz read-
during the Prague Montmartre festival which ing room. The place should be used by artists as
presents a great show of various music genres well as the public. In the nearest future, it will of-
at Kostnické Square, Jiřího z Poděbrad or the fer theatre performance and screening of puppet
Rajská zahrada Park. “It is typical for Prague 3 animation films by Televize Estráda.
that art lives not only in cultural institutions but
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